# Installing Xi-CAM for Linux Installing Xi-CAM requires a few system components to be installed. After successfully installing these components and Xi-CAM, you will be ready to start developing Xi-CAM plugins! ## Install python3 First, ensure that you have **python3.8** installed on your system. Consult your specific distribution's package manager for installing python3. ## Create and Activate a Virtual Environment Creating a virtual environment allows you to install and uninstall packages without modifying any packages on your system. This is *highly* recommended. There are a couple of ways to create a virtual environment: 1. via the **venv** module provided with python3 1. via **conda** (you will need to install this from anaconda.org or miniconda.org) In the commands below, we will create a new environment called **xicam** in your home directory, and then activate the environment. Once an environment is activated, any packages installed through pip will be installed into this sequestered xicam environment. *(If using conda, you can install either with pip or conda.)* ### virtualenv If you would like to create a virtual environment, run the following: ``` cd ~ python3 -m venv xicam source xicam/bin/actviate ``` ### conda If you would like to create an environment through conda, run the following: ``` cd ~ conda create -n xicam python=3.8 conda activate xicam ``` ## Install Python Qt Bindings Xi-CAM depends on a GUI application framework called Qt; you will need to install one of the python bindings for Qt (PyQt5 or PySide2) in order to run Xi-CAM. *Make sure that you have activated the **xicam** environment.* For example, you can install the **PyQt5** pip package as follows: ```bash pip install PyQt5 ``` ## Install the Xi-CAM package Now that we have activated a new **xicam** environment and installed **PyQt5**, we can install Xi-CAM: ``` pip install xicam ``` To ensure everything is installed correctly, you can run Xi-CAM as follows: ``` xicam ``` ## Where Do I Go from Here? You are now ready to start developing plugins for Xi-CAM! To learn about developing plugins for Xi-CAM, see the [Quick Start Guide](quickstart.md).